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We produce design notebooks, journals, diaries, planners and photo albums

We are young_block, a group of enthusiastic people from Litomyšl. We love paper and design and that is why we decided to create stylish notebooks, journals, photo albums, and diaries with our own hands. Every product we release into the world is handcrafted by us. We've based our production on true craftsmanship as the foundation of our honest production. In our production, we use unconventional materials, technologies, and bookbinding techniques that bring pleasure and inspiration to our customers.

We Love Paper

We create both dated and undated planners suitable for managers and creatives. Choose from our selection of original planners, ensuring your plans and thoughts are all in one place.
Browse our wide selection of notebooks. Whether you need a notebook for writing or drawing, you'll find the perfect one in our collection. We offer dotted and blank page notebooks. Don’t let any idea slip away—write it down in a stylish notebook with either soft or hard covers.
We offer large and small photo albums, handmade from high-quality paper. Choose from various styles, including classic spiral binding, fold-out accordion albums, or traditional handcrafted bookbinding. In today's digital world, storing memories in a stylish photo album definitely has its charm.
Notebooks, sketchbooks, memory books, document folders, planners, stationery sets, and other paper accessories in various colors and sizes. With us, you'll always have stylish paper products at hand whenever you need them.

Our Story

We were inspired by our surroundings and decided that we would also become an inspiration for our customers. It all started when we saw several diaries. We liked them, but we wanted to breathe more life into them. All manufacturers, however, were satisfied with mass production and were not willing to venture into original craftsmanship. So we took it on ourselves. There were three of us and our family home, which gradually turned into a workshop filled with paper and glue. Our enthusiasm and the first customers pushed us forward. However, establishing ourselves in the market was not easy. It took longer than we expected. Our savings were invested, but after a year, we decided to make a significant move and applied for a tender with ŠKODA AUTO a.s. And it worked. Since then, we have regularly collaborated with major Czech and international companies, for which we prepare original notebooks, diaries and notebooks. We started to gain more recognition and the demand from customers increased. This led to relocating our workshop, giving us a home once again. Actually, two homes in one city, between which we still regularly shuttle. We began producing limited editions, which were quickly sold out in the first days. Since then, we have grown, and tens of thousands of sheets of paper have passed through our hands. Our enthusiasm has not changed over the past five years, and we are pleased that our products can also help. In cooperation with Kapka naděje, we managed to create a slightly better notebook, with all proceeds going to the foundation’s account. Our goal remains to continue creating unique paper items and to present our hometown as an endless source of inspiration to the public. That’s why we decided to build a community of similarly passionate individuals by establishing the Made in Litomyšl project.

Our team

Jirka Vogel
Jirka Vogel

Jirka is the driving force behind our brand and our main motivator. Every day, he brings new ideas and suggestions to ensure we don’t rest on our laurels. He is also passionate about business and has extensive experience in it. Do you want paper from us? Reach out to him directly, and he will take care of everything.
Zuzana Fryaufová
Zuzana Fryaufová

Zuzka manages PR and brand image, focusing on finding new ways to introduce us to the world. With her experience with brands like Ples v Opeře and OKTAGON MMA, she believes that pursuing your vision uncompromisingly and taking bold steps is the key to making an impact.
Tereza Cibulková Hosová
Tereza Cibulková Hosová

Tereza is indispensable to us. She is behind the design of nearly all our products. She creates the graphics, carefully selects the paper, and coordinates the entire production process. Do you want to know why your paper products from us look the way they do? Reach out to her directly—there's no one more qualified in our team.
Petra Vogelová
Petra Vogelová

Petra is the soul of all our products. She tests and creates countless prototypes to ensure that you receive a perfectly crafted and functional paper product. She also oversees that we maintain the established standards to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Pavlína Dvořáková
Pavlína Dvořáková

Paja is not shy to roll up her sleeves and get to work or reliably stand in for Petra. You don't have to worry that a piece of paper could ever reach you without honest handcraft and a generous dose of joy from it. Plus, she never misses a chance for some fun.
Barbora Voříšková
Barbora Voříšková

Barunka is a calm force in our workshop. Why? When she's not making notebooks for you, she's catching in the hockeyball goal. Every day at the bookbinding table, she catch out even the smallest error on each of our notebooks with the same care. Now you get it, right?



Diaries that won’t end up in the trash. The Litomyšl manufacturer shines with unique notebooks.

Originally, she just wanted to buy a design notebook from young_block. Now, Zuzana Fryaufová owns half of the stationery business.
Svitavský deník

Czechitas and young_block donated hundreds of IT notebooks to orphanages.

Fryaufová invests in a design goods manufacturer from Litomyšl and assists with communication.
Modrý blog

Jiří Vogel: Thanks to the online world, we want to take our paper jewelry beyond borders.

Original idea, honest craftsmanship, love for paper, and great determination. Introducing the brand young_block, which makes notebooks a little differently.

A diary as your daily right-hand companion is not just a record of your daily duties but a place where you can gather your thoughts, plans, and dreams.
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